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#001 “24 seasons” in Japan

Ritto on the calendar and my green sweater

My name is Mari. I am a native Japanese living in Japan. I am writing about 365 stories of Japanese daily life and culture etc. based on my experiences and perspectives.
#001 story is about “24 seasons in Japan.”

Suddenly, the air turned cold and I felt chilly, so I pulled out my favorite green sweater from the back of the closet.

Looking at the calendar, next to the date of 8th November, I noticed the words “Ritto, which means the beginning of winter.

Ritto on the calendar and my green sweater

I was convinced that it was truly the arrival of winter.

Some Japanese calendars have a seasonal calendar,Nijushisekki (24 seasonal divisions),” written in small letters next to the date.

According to the movement of the sun, the seasonal calendar divides a year into 4 seasons (spring, summer, autumn and winter), and each season is further subdivided into 6 seasons, making a total of 24 smaller seasons.

That means, about every 15 days, people sense the delicate changes in nature, such as climates, flowers, insects, and birds, and adapt to them and live their lives.

Nijushisekki (24 seasonal divisions)” is said to have come from ancient China and has been used in Japan especially for rice planting and harvesting since ancient times.

What always amazes me about it is its accuracy. At major seasonal junctures, I literally feel a real change in the wind and the air.

On 8th November or “Ritto(the beginning of winter)”, the sky and air, which had been mild and autumn-like, have become cool and cold and the weather really has changed into winter!

Nowadays, I only pay attention to this “Nijushisekki(24 seasonal divisions)” when the seasons change drastically, but it is because it is so wonderful that it has been passed down to this day.


Ritto is around 8th November, and the exact date can change depending on each year.

Below In Japanese

11月8日 立冬〜冬の始まり





私がこの「二十四節気」でいつも驚くのは、その正確性です! 季節の大きな節目では、風や空気感が本当に変わり、季節の移り変わりを体感できるのです。「立冬」の今日からは、今まで穏やかで秋らしかった空や空気が、ひんやりと冷たくなり、冬の気候に変化しました。
